ACC Board Approves Hiring Search Firm

The Alvin Community College Board of Regents approved the hiring of a search firm for the next president of the college during their meeting on October 22.
The board voted unanimously to hire the Greenwood Asher firm to aid in the search for the next president. Regents also appointed a search committee to participate in the search which comprised of board members, staff, community members and a student.
ACC President Dr. Christal M. Albrecht recently announced she will be retiring in August 2021.
At the start of the meeting, U.S. Rep. Pete Olson arrived at the meeting to recognize President Albrecht after she announced her retirement recently.
“I am joyful because of the years she gave us as our president,” he said. “She put together a five year strategic plan. All of those goals will be finished when she leaves. She came aboard a great school and will leave it a greater school. Christal met every challenge head on.”
Dr. Albrecht gave a report to the board about the recent virtual site visit by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The reaffirmation committee cleared the college on all standards and approved the Quality Enhancement Plan. The committee will send its recommendation for 10-year reaffirmation to the SACSCOOC June 2021 Board meeting for action.
“This is the highest ranking a college can receive” in the reaffirmation process, Dr. Albrecht said.
In other action, the board approved the hiring of two dean positions. Director of Career Pathways Akilah Martin was named the dean of Student Support Services and Dr. Karen White-Goyzueta was named dean of Continuing Education Workforce Development.
The board also:
-approved fees for 2020-21 and 2021-22.
-heard the monthly report from the newly elected Student Government Association officers
-approved a resolution to pay staff members for Tropical Storm Beta closure
-heard the annual access and accountability report
-heard a Faculty Senate report from the Senate president
-heard update on grant programs
-approved hiring of Information Technology faculty
-approved purchase of door control system hardware for the entire campus
-approved purchase of kitchen equipment for the culinary teaching lab in the Nolan Ryan Center
-approved update of BlackBoard contract
-approved monthly financial reports
-approved budget amendments
The board will have its next meeting on Thursday, November 19 at 6 p.m.