Press Releases - News Center

ACC Receives DOL Grant

Alvin Community College was one of 18 American colleges to receive a Strengthening Community College grant from the U.S. Department of Labor.

The $1.5 million grant will go towards upgrading ACC’s CNC program and will fund staffing, equipment and curriculum development with the aim of increasing women in the field.

“Our Strengthening Community Colleges grantees run programs that help lift whole communities, like by helping community colleges equip workers with the skills they need right now, while strengthening workforce infrastructure,” said Julie Su, acting U.S. Secretary of Labor. “This is how we fundamentally shift workforce training programs to better invest in improving the lives of America’s workers.”

The Department of Labor issued $65 million total this year in Strengthening Community College grants which is administered by the Department’s Employment and Training Administration.

The purpose of the grants is to enhance career pathway programs and support equitable outcomes of marginalized and underrepresented populations.

“This grant will provide tremendous opportunities for our students by giving them the chance to receive job training in a field that has a high demand,” ACC President Dr. Robert J. Exley said.

The Houston region has among the highest employment levels for machinists in the United States, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics.