Executive Summary
Executive Summary
The mission of Alvin Community College (ACC) is to “improve the lives of its constituents by providing affordable, accessible, high quality and innovative academic, technical and cultural educational opportunities for the diverse communities it serves.” ACC enrolls over 6,000 undergraduate students who pursue their academic paths in 65 areas of study (including majors, technical programs, pre-professional programs, and other areas). ACC consistently strives to ensure that the educational opportunities provided are reinforced by services that support student success.
Through best practices, ACC will increase student success through case-management advising and faculty mentorship. The College's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Success through Engaged Advising (SEA), strives to improve the environment for student learning and student success by improving the quality of the student advising experience. ACC has integrated our QEP with initiatives across the entire campus with the goals of:
- Providing case-managed advising throughout a student's career at ACC.
- Improving connections between faculty and students through faculty-led, targeted engagement activities.
- Improving student success through students’ selection of an academic or technical career pathway at the beginning of their ACC career with on-going support by advising staff and faculty.
Students will have intentional, managed advising that will guide them through three identified milestones: Choose My Path, Continue My Path, and Complete My Path. SEA will improve student success by focusing on the student, guiding the student’s academic journey, and credential completion.
Historically, academic advising has been responsive to students on an on-call basis. ACC has identified areas of improvement needed within the advising process and is moving to a holistic advising approach, encompassing all aspects of the student experience. Our QEP maintains the primary advising role with our advising staff at entry. As students designate their career pathway (major), Pathways Success Coaches will encourage them to engage with career services through ACC’s Career Coach tool and complete all enrollment steps before their first advising appointment. From the major designation, students are assigned a specific career pathway advisor who is partnered with an appropriate career pathway faculty mentor. The student will be supported by this team as they complete coursework. Advisors have specific touch points with their assigned students while faculty mentors facilitate meaningful recruitment experiences that align with the career pathway the student has chosen. These intentional interactions will support improved connections while improving student success for all ACC students.
For more information, please contact:
Patrick Sanger, Dean/Executive Director, IER - Inst Research/Effectiveness