COVID-19 Coronavirus
Review & Updated: September 1, 2022
COVID-19/Omicron Protocols
Alvin Community College strives to maintain a healthy environment for its students
and staff members. Starting September 1, 2022, ACC no longer requires students or
employees to self-report. The College will continue to monitor the developments of
COVID-19 and its variants in order to prevent the spread of the virus.
ACC strongly encourages students and staff members to adhere to the safety protocols recommended by the CDC to provide a healthy, safe learning and working environment. Please visit the CDC website to learn about what you can do to reduce your chances of contracting COVID-19 and preventing the spread to others.
ACC recommends you wash your hands thoroughly and often, stay socially distanced, consider getting vaccinated, and stay home if you are ill. Students should notify their instructors of any absences due to COVID-19, and employees should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible if they are too ill to come to work.
Below are the CDC guidelines for quarantine and isolation. You can also use the CDC’s quarantine and isolation calculator to help determine how long you need to isolate, quarantine, or take other steps to prevent spreading COVID-19.
County Health Resources
Brazoria County Health Department
Fort Bend County Health and Human Services