HEERF Act Reporting Guidelines
HEERF I, II & III Act Student Reporting Guidelines
Spring 2021 Quarterly Report
Final Report - All Funds Awarded as of 3/2/2022
The ACC Executive Leadership Team created a plan for fifty (50) percent of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III)” grant funds which are considered the Student Aid Portion of the total grant funding. The amount of Student Aid funds to be distributed directly to students is $4,233,627.
These Student Share funds are to go directly to students for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing emergency financial aid grants to students for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Per the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement, ACC has one year from the date we signed the certification to spend the HEERF—Student Share funds. We have until May 17, 2022 to spend the HEERF III Student Share funds.
The proposed plan is described below and is based on the Secretary of Education’s “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the HEERF Agreement and other guidance from Congress, the Department of Education and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).
- All students who are enrolled for the Fall 2021 semester, except TDCJ students, are invited to apply for these grant funds. This includes, but is not limited to, academic and technical program students, full-time and part-time students, DACA students, Dual Enrollment and CE/WD students.
- Students who have not already completed a 21-22 FAFSA (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) are encouraged to do so. Students will be invited to apply for emergency funds through an electronic application. The link to the application is https://alvincollege.academicworks.com/opportunities/946
- The application is brief and asks students to provide their name, address, current student status, reasons for needing the funds (options include food, housing, transportation, child care, health care, technology and other, with brief description) signature, and date.
- Students will be made aware of the opportunity to apply for the emergency grant funds through an invitation sent to their ACC email accounts. Posting will also be placed on social media, and the ACC website, encouraging students to check their ACC email for related information.
- The submitted applications will be automatically received by the Director of Financial
Aid who will review them to ensure they are complete. The following criteria was
used to determine approval:
- Was the student's application complete?
- Student is enrolled or has been enrolled at ACC at any point in time after the pandemic was declared.
- Did the student indicate his/her reason(s) for hardship as one or more of the following: food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, or other?
- Award amounts will be determined and documented according to Section 6.i. below.
- Budget for Grants:
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- Credit & Continuing Education Students: $1,500
- Dual Enrollment Students: $1,000
- This amount will allow ACC to assist the greatest number of students with an amount that should provide reasonable assistance covering at least one of the possible hardships. Approved applications will be awarded on a first-come-first-received basis starting on August 30, 2021.
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- The Financial Aid Office will record the approved grants onto the students’ financial aid account. The Business Office will then disburse the funds to the students. Grants will either be electronically deposited into the student’s bank account or mailed, for those without accounts or picked up from the college. The Financial Aid Office and the Business Office will monitor this process to ensure proper processing of awards.
- The College will determine the appropriate reporting methods to report the following
required information to the DOE:
- How grants were distributed to students;
- The amount of each grant awarded to each student;
- Any instructions or directions given to students about the grants
- ACC will provide follow-up information to students regarding additional emergency relief resources available within our communities.
- It was decided, after a time, that reporting would be done on a quarterly basis. ACC
begins quarterly reporting on September 31 and will continue to post quarterly updates
until the funds are depleted.
a. As of 3/2/2022, the total number of eligible students was 5,007.
b. AS of 3/2/2022, the total number of students awarded was 2,187.
c. As of 3/2/2022, the total amount of CARES funds distributed to students was $4,233,627. - Student Application Instructions Application now closed as of 3/2/2022.
The ACC Executive Leadership Team created a plan for fifty (50) percent of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III)” grant funds which are considered the Student Aid Portion of the total grant funding. The amount of Student Aid funds to be distributed directly to students is $4,233,627.
These Student Share funds are to go directly to students for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing emergency financial aid grants to students for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Per the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement, ACC has one year from the date we signed the certification to spend the HEERF—Student Share funds. We have until May 17, 2022 to spend the HEERF III Student Share funds.
The proposed plan is described below and is based on the Secretary of Education’s “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the HEERF Agreement and other guidance from Congress, the Department of Education and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).
- All students who are enrolled for the Fall 2021 semester, except TDCJ students, are invited to apply for these grant funds. This includes, but is not limited to, academic and technical program students, full-time and part-time students, DACA students, Dual Enrollment and CE/WD students.
- Students who have not already completed a 21-22 FAFSA (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) are encouraged to do so. Students will be invited to apply for emergency funds through an electronic application. The link to the application is https://alvincollege.academicworks.com/opportunities/946
- The application is brief and asks students to provide their name, address, current student status, reasons for needing the funds (options include food, housing, transportation, child care, health care, technology and other, with brief description) signature, and date.
- Students will be made aware of the opportunity to apply for the emergency grant funds through an invitation sent to their ACC email accounts. Posting will also be placed on social media, and the ACC website, encouraging students to check their ACC email for related information.
- The submitted applications will be automatically received by the Director of Financial
Aid who will review them to ensure they are complete. The following criteria was
used to determine approval:
- Was the student's application complete?
- Student is enrolled or has been enrolled at ACC at any point in time after the pandemic was declared.
- Did the student indicate his/her reason(s) for hardship as one or more of the following: food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, or other?
- Award amounts will be determined and documented according to Section 6.i. below.
- Budget for Grants:
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- Credit & Continuing Education Students: $1,500
- Dual Enrollment Students: $1,000
- This amount will allow ACC to assist the greatest number of students with an amount that should provide reasonable assistance covering at least one of the possible hardships. Approved applications will be awarded on a first-come-first-received basis starting on August 30, 2021.
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- The Financial Aid Office will record the approved grants onto the students’ financial aid account. The Business Office will then disburse the funds to the students. Grants will either be electronically deposited into the student’s bank account or mailed, for those without accounts or picked up from the college. The Financial Aid Office and the Business Office will monitor this process to ensure proper processing of awards.
- The College will determine the appropriate reporting methods to report the following
required information to the DOE:
- How grants were distributed to students;
- The amount of each grant awarded to each student;
- Any instructions or directions given to students about the grants
- ACC will provide follow-up information to students regarding additional emergency relief resources available within our communities.
- It was decided, after a time, that reporting would be done on a quarterly basis. ACC
begins quarterly reporting on September 31 and will continue to post quarterly updates
until the funds are depleted.
a. As of 12/31/21, the total number of eligible students was 5,007.
b. AS of 12/31/21, the total number of students awarded was 1,382.
c. As of 12/31/21, the total amount of CARES funds distributed to students was $1,830,366. - Student Application Instructions
The ACC Executive Leadership Team created a plan for fifty (50) percent of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III)” grant funds which are considered the Student Aid Portion of the total grant funding. The amount of Student Aid funds to be distributed directly to students is $4,233,627.
These Student Share funds are to go directly to students for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing emergency financial aid grants to students for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Per the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement, ACC has one year from the date we signed the certification to spend the HEERF—Student Share funds. We have until May 17, 2022 to spend the HEERF III Student Share funds.
The proposed plan is described below and is based on the Secretary of Education’s “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the HEERF Agreement and other guidance from Congress, the Department of Education and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).
- All students who are enrolled for the Fall 2021 semester, except TDCJ students, are invited to apply for these grant funds. This includes, but is not limited to, academic and technical program students, full-time and part-time students, DACA students, Dual Enrollment and CE/WD students.
- Students who have not already completed a 21-22 FAFSA (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) are encouraged to do so. Students will be invited to apply for emergency funds through an electronic application. The link to the application is https://alvincollege.academicworks.com/opportunities/946
- The application is brief and asks students to provide their name, address, current student status, reasons for needing the funds (options include food, housing, transportation, child care, health care, technology and other, with brief description) signature, and date.
- Students will be made aware of the opportunity to apply for the emergency grant funds through an invitation sent to their ACC email accounts. Posting will also be placed on social media, and the ACC website, encouraging students to check their ACC email for related information.
- The submitted applications will be automatically received by the Director of Financial
Aid who will review them to ensure they are complete. The following criteria was
used to determine approval:
- Was the student's application complete?
- Student is enrolled or has been enrolled at ACC at any point in time after the pandemic was declared.
- Did the student indicate his/her reason(s) for hardship as one or more of the following: food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, or other?
- Award amounts will be determined and documented according to Section 6.i. below.
- Budget for Grants:
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- Credit & Continuing Education Students: $1,500
- Dual Enrollment Students: $1,000
- This amount will allow ACC to assist the greatest number of students with an amount that should provide reasonable assistance covering at least one of the possible hardships. Approved applications will be awarded on a first-come-first-received basis starting on August 30, 2021.
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- The Financial Aid Office will record the approved grants onto the students’ financial aid account. The Business Office will then disburse the funds to the students. Grants will either be electronically deposited into the student’s bank account or mailed, for those without accounts or picked up from the college. The Financial Aid Office and the Business Office will monitor this process to ensure proper processing of awards.
- The College will determine the appropriate reporting methods to report the following
required information to the DOE:
- How grants were distributed to students;
- The amount of each grant awarded to each student;
- Any instructions or directions given to students about the grants
- ACC will provide follow-up information to students regarding additional emergency relief resources available within our communities.
- It was decided, after a time, that reporting would be done on a quarterly basis. ACC
begins quarterly reporting on September 31 and will continue to post quarterly updates
until the funds are depleted.
a. As of 9/30/21, the total number of eligible students was 3,114.
b. AS of 9/30/21, the total number of students awarded was 1,136.
c. As of 9/30/21, the total amount of CARES funds distributed to students was $1,702,000. - Student Application Instructions
The ACC Executive Leadership Team created a plan for fifty (50) percent of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III)” grant funds which are considered the “Student Share” of the total grant funding. The amount of Student Share funds to be distributed directly to students is $4,233,627.
These Student Share funds are to go directly to students for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing emergency financial aid grants to students for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Per the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement, ACC has one year from the date we signed the certification to spend the HEERF—Student Share funds. We have until May 17, 2022 to spend the HEERF III Student Share funds.
The proposed plan is described below and is based on the Secretary of Education’s “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the HEERF III and other guidance from Congress, the Department of Education and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).
- All students who are enrolled for the Spring 2021 and Summer 2021 semesters, except TDCJ students, will be invited to apply for these grant funds. This includes, but is not limited to, academic and technical program students, full-time and part-time students, DACA students, Dual Enrollment and CE/WD students.
- Students who have not already completed a 21-22 FAFSA (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) are encouraged to do so. Students will be invited to apply for emergency funds through an electronic application. The link to the application is https://alvincollege.academicworks.com/opportunities/946
- The application is brief and asks students to provide their name, address, current student status, reasons for needing the funds (options include food, housing, transportation, child care, health care, technology and other, with brief description) signature, and date.
- Students will be made aware of the opportunity to apply for the emergency grant funds through an invitation sent to their ACC email accounts. Posting will also be placed on social media, and the ACC website, encouraging students to check their ACC email for related information.
- The submitted applications will be automatically received by the Director of Financial
Aid who will review them to ensure they are complete. The following criteria was
used to determine approval:
- Was the student's application complete?
- Student is enrolled or has been enrolled at ACC at any point in time after the pandemic was declared.
- Did the student indicate his/her reason(s) for hardship as one or more of the following: food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, or other?
- Award amounts will be determined and documented according to Section 6.i. below.
- Budget for Grants:
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- Awards will be determined based on students completed FAFSA and Student Relief Grant Application form.
- Awards will be given to approved students based on the following:
Enrolled in 1 to 12 hours: $800
This amount will allow ACC to assist the greatest number of students with an amount that should provide reasonable assistance covering at least one of the possible hardships. Approved applications will be awarded on a first-come-first-received basis starting on January 19, 2021.
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- The Financial Aid Office will record the approved grants onto the students’ financial aid account. The Business Office will then disburse the funds to the students. Grants will either be electronically deposited into the student’s bank account or mailed, for those without accounts or picked up from the college. The Financial Aid Office and the Business Office will monitor this process to ensure proper processing of awards.
- The College will determine the appropriate reporting methods to report the following
required information to the DOE:
- How grants were distributed to students;
- The amount of each grant awarded to each student;
- Any instructions or directions given to students about the grants
- ACC will provide follow-up information to students regarding additional emergency relief resources available within our communities.
- It was decided, after a time, that reporting would be done on a quarterly basis. ACC
begins quarterly reporting on September 31 and will continue to post quarterly updates
until the funds are depleted.
a. As of 6/30/21, the total number of eligible students was 5,586.
b. AS of 6/30/21, the total number of students awarded was 689.
c. As of 6/30/21, the total amount of CARES funds distributed to students was $551,200. - Student Application Instructions
The ACC Executive Leadership Team created a plan for fifty (50) percent of ACC’s “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)” grant funds which are considered the “Student Share” of the total grant funding. The amount of Student Share funds to be distributed directly to students is $1,138,749.
These Student Share funds are to go directly to students for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing emergency financial aid grants to students for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Per the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement, ACC has one year from the date we signed the certification to spend the HEERF—Student Share funds. President Albrecht signed the certification on April 25, 2020. Therefore, we have until April 26, 2021 to spend the HEERF Student Share funds.
The proposed plan is described below and is based on the Secretary of Education’s “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act” and other guidance from Congress, the Department of Education and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).
- All students who have filed a 20-21 FAFSA for the Fall 2020 semester, except TDCJ students, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) undocumented students, dual credit students, international students, continuing education students, will be invited to apply for these grant funds. This includes, but is not limited to, academic and technical programs, and full-time and part-time students.
- Students who have not already completed a 20-21 FAFSA (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) must complete the application in order to be eligible. Students will be invited to apply for emergency funds through an electronic application. The link to the application is https://alvincollege.academicworks.com/opportunities/609
- The application is brief and asks students to provide their name, address, current student status, reasons for needing the funds (options include food, housing, transportation, child care, health care, technology and other, with brief description) signature, and date. Students must certify they have not previously received HEERF grant funds from another college.
- Students will be made aware of the opportunity to apply for the emergency grant funds through an invitation sent to their ACC email accounts. Posting will also be placed on social media, and the ACC website, encouraging students to check their ACC email for related information.
- The submitted applications will be automatically received by the Director of Financial
Aid who will review them to ensure they are complete and to verify the following:
- Student’s mailing address;
- Student is enrolled as of Sept. 8th, 2020 and currently active;
- Student’s residency status;
- Verify that a Social Security number is valid in the system.
- The following criteria will be used to determine approval:
- Was the student’s application complete?
- Did the student complete the FAFSA?
- Did the student indicate his/her reason(s) for hardship as one or more of the following: food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, or other?
- If the student indicated his/her hardship as “other”, did the reason given justify approval in the professional judgment of the Financial Aid Director.
- Has the student previously received HEERF grant funds for this emergency from another institution?
- Award amounts will be determined and documented according to Section 6.i. below.
- Budget for Grants:
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- Awards will be determined based on students completed FAFSA and Student Relief Grant Application form.
- Awards will be given to approved students based on the following:
Enrolled in 1 to 8 hours: $1000
Enrolled in 9 to 11 hours: $1200
Enrolled 12 or more hours: $1600
These amounts will allow ACC to assist the greatest number of students with an amount that should provide reasonable assistance covering at least one of the possible hardships. Approved applications will be awarded on a first-come-first-received basis. Starting on Sept. 8th based on the number of hours enrolled on the census date of each Fall session. Awards will be adjusted based on the enrolled hours, until all funds are awarded or the end of the semester, whichever comes first. - It was proposed that the $1,138,749 be distributed as follows:
Spring 2020 funds awarded $129,900
Summer 2020 funds awarded $146,600
Fall 2020 Funds remaining $862,249
Through the process of awarding the spring grants, the ELT will determine if adjustments need to be made to improve efficiencies in the distribution of funds. Additionally, the ELT will then have data to determine if fewer students request grants than anticipated. If this occurs, the ELT will make adjustments in an effort to invite a larger number of students to apply. It is not known how many students will apply and how quickly they will apply. The College President and the ACC Board of Regents will receive periodic updates regarding the grant distributions.
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- After determining if the student is approved or denied, the Financial Aid Office will send an email communication to those who are denied indicating their decision and reason for denial. If approved, instructions will be included explaining how the funds will be sent.
- The Financial Aid Office will record the approved grants onto the students’ financial aid account. The Business Office will then disburse the funds to the students. Grants will either be electronically deposited into the student’s bank account or mailed, for those without accounts or picked up from the college. The Financial Aid Office and the Business Office will monitor this process to ensure proper processing of awards.
- The College will determine the appropriate reporting methods to report the following
required information to the DOE:
- How grants were distributed to students;
- The amount of each grant awarded to each student;
- Any instructions or directions given to students about the grants
- ACC will provide follow-up information to students regarding additional emergency relief resources available within our communities.
- It was decided, after a time, that reporting would be done on a quarterly basis. ACC
begins quarterly reporting on September 31 and will continue to post quarterly updates
until the funds are depleted.
a. As of 9/30/2020, the total number of eligible students (Spring 2020, Summer
2020 and Fall 2020 semesters) was 4,239.
b. AS of 9/30/2020, the total number of students awarded (Spring 2020, Summer
2020, and Fall 2020 semesters) was 697.
c. As of 9/30/2020, the total amount of CARES funds distributed to students (Spring
2020, Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 semesters) was $1,064,600. - Student Application Instructions
The ACC Executive Leadership Team created a plan for fifty (50) percent of ACC’s “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)” grant funds which are considered the “Student Share” of the total grant funding. The amount of Student Share funds to be distributed directly to students is $1,138,749. As of July 6, 2020, ACC has distributed a total of $170,400 to 520 students. Of this, $40,500 was distributed to 173 Title IV eligible students who are enrolled in summer courses. A total of 688 students were Title IV eligible during the summer session.
These Student Share funds are to go directly to students for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing emergency financial aid grants to students for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Per the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement, ACC has one year from the date we signed the certification to spend the HEERF—Student Share funds. President Albrecht signed the certification on April 25, 2020. Therefore, we have until April 26, 2021 to spend the HEERF Student Share funds.
The proposed plan for distribution of funds for the summer 2020 semester is described below and is based on the Secretary of Education’s “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act” and other guidance from Congress, the Department of Education and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).
- All students who are enrolled in the Summer 2020 semester as of census date Summer 1 – June 7; Summer 11 week - June 21; Summer 2 - July 13, except TDCJ students, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) undocumented students, dual credit students, international students and continuing education students will be invited to make application for these grant funds. This includes, but is not limited to, academic and technical programs, and full-time and part-time students.
- Students who have not already completed a FAFSA (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) are encouraged to complete the application to determine eligibility for additional aid.
- All students registered for summer are encouraged to apply for emergency funds through an electronic application. The link to the application is https://alvincollege.academicworks.com/opportunities/609
- The brief application asks students to provide their name, address, current student status, reasons for needing the funds (options include food, housing, transportation, child care, health care, technology and other, with brief description) signature, and date.
- Students will be made aware of the opportunity to apply for the emergency grant funds through an invitation sent to their ACC email accounts, an invitation through Blackboard, faculty announcements and word-of-mouth. Posting will also be placed on social media, the ACC website, and the ACC alert system encouraging students to check their ACC email for related information. Receiving an invitation does not guarantee an award.
- The submitted applications will be automatically received by the Director of Financial
Aid who will review them to ensure they are complete and to verify the following:
- Student’s mailing address;
- Student enrolled for Summer classes on census date of the term registered;
- Student’s residency status;
- Verify that a Social Security number is valid in the system (or an ITIN- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number)
- The following criteria will be used to determine approval:
- Was the student’s application complete?
- Did the student certify that they are a US citizen or permanent resident?
- Did the student indicate his/her reason(s) for hardship as one or more of the following: food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, technology?
- Did the comments provided justify approval in the professional judgment of the Financial Aid Director?
- Individual grants will be awarded to eligible students for the amounts below:
- 1- 6 semester credit hours $500
- 7 semester credit hours or above $800
- Budget for Grants:
- Approved applications will be awarded on a first-come-first-received basis, until
all funds are awarded or the end of the semester, whichever comes first.
- It is proposed that the $1,138,749 be distributed as follows:
Spring 2020 awarded 329 students $129,900
Summer 2020 approximately $375,000
Fall 2020 approximately $635,000
Through the process of awarding the summer and fall grants, the ELT will determine if adjustments need to be made to improve efficiencies in the distribution of funds. Additionally, the ELT will then have data to determine if fewer students request grants than anticipated. If this occurs, the ELT will make adjustments in an effort to invite a larger number of students to apply. It is not known how many students will apply and how quickly they will apply. The College President and the ACC Board of Regents will receive periodic updates regarding the grant distributions.
- It is proposed that the $1,138,749 be distributed as follows:
- Approved applications will be awarded on a first-come-first-received basis, until
all funds are awarded or the end of the semester, whichever comes first.
- After determining if the student is approved or denied, the Financial Aid Office will send an email communication to the student indicating their decision. If approved, instructions will be included explaining how the funds will be sent. If denied, reasons for denial will be included.
- The Financial Aid Office will record the approved grants onto the students’ financial aid account. The Business Office will then disburse the funds to the students. Grants will either be electronically deposited into the student’s bank account or mailed, for those without accounts or picked up from the college. The Financial Aid Office and the Business Office will monitor this process to ensure proper processing of awards.
- The College will determine the appropriate reporting methods to report the following
required information to the DOE:
- How grants were distributed to students;
- The amount of each grant awarded to each student;
- Any instructions or directions given to students about the grants
- ACC will provide follow-up information to students regarding additional emergency relief resources available within our communities.
- Student Application Instructions (Updated 7/12/2020)
Alvin Community College has received a total of $2.777,498 million in funding from the CARES Act. $ 1,138,749 will benefit students through cash. The college also received another $ 1,138,749 million in Institutional funds from the CARES Act.
Of those funds, as of May 18, 2020, $129,900 has been awarded to 329 students. 954 students were emailed and notified for their eligibility for the Spring and application requirement.
Process for identifying how the institution determined which students did, or will receive emergency financial aid grants and how much funding they did, or will receive.
- All students who were enrolled in the Spring 2020 semester, on March 13, 2020, except TDCJ students, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) undocumented students, dual credit students, international students, continuing education students, all students taking classes completely online during spring and students who withdrew prior to March 16, 2020, will be invited to make application for these grant funds. This includes, but is not limited to, academic and technical programs, and full-time and part-time students.
- Students who have not already completed a FAFSA (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) must complete the application in order to be eligible. Students will be invited to make application for emergency funds through an electronic application. The link to the application: is https://alvincollege.academicworks.com/opportunities/609
- The application is brief and asks students to provide their name, address, current student status, reasons for needing the funds (options include food, housing, transportation, child care, health care, technology and other, with brief description) signature, and date. Students must certify they have not previously received HEERF grant funds from another college.
- Students will be made aware of the opportunity to apply for the emergency grant funds through an invitation sent to their ACC email accounts, an invitation through Blackboard, faculty announcements and word-of-mouth. Posting will also be placed on social media, the ACC website, and the ACC alert system encouraging students to check their ACC email for related information.
- The submitted applications will be automatically received by the Director of Financial
Aid who will review them to ensure they are complete and to verify the following:
- Student’s mailing address;
- Student was enrolled on March 16, 2020 and currently active;
- Student’s residency status;
- Verify that a Social Security number is valid in the system (or an ITIN-Individual Taxpayer Identification Number)
- The following criteria will be used to determine approval:
- Was the student’s application complete?
- Did the student complete the FAFSA?
- Did the student indicate his/her reason(s) for hardship as one or more of the following: food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, or other?
- If the student indicated his/her hardship as “other”, did the reason given justify approval in the professional judgment of the Financial Aid Director.
- Has the student previously received HEERF grant funds for this emergency from another institution?
- Award amounts will be determined and documented according to Section 6.i. below.
- Budget for Grants:
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- Awards will be determined based on students completed FAFSA and Student Relief Grant Application form.
- Awards will be given to approved students based on the following:
- Enrolled in 1 to 8 hours: $300
- Enrolled in 9 to 12 hours: $400
- Enrolled in over 12 hours: $500
- Individual grant awards will be given to approved students’ based on the following:
- Student Application Instructions