Success Stories
Adeline Terry
Finding Strength and Purpose in Caring for Others
Alvin Community College is just how it sounds, a community full of compassion and support for every type of student. As a student, I wandered, unsure of myself and lacking direction in navigating how to accomplish my goals. I realized after watching and helping my mother conquer her dreams of becoming a nurse, even with small children to take care of, that I too love to care for others. I knew I had my mother’s strength but I hadn’t found my full purpose yet, and that is where my husband and our daughter come in. We have been together since she was two, and it didn’t take long to know I had found my purpose, drive, and need to be a role-model.
As an adult student, I finally felt as if I’d found where I belonged the night I attended an informational meeting for ACC’s Associate Degree Nursing Program. In that exact moment, I knew I was home, and that ACC was where I wanted to begin achieving those lifelong goals. The sense of community, compassion from the professors, and class ratio all influenced my decision to make ACC, truly, my home away from home.
During my time on campus I received support through the many facets the college offers. You see, the toughest semester of my journey in the nursing program was the semester Hurricane Harvey came to visit. Through heartache and loss, I saw a community come together and join forces to ensure those that endured loss had the help they needed. I am a thankful recipient of that help, and will forever be grateful. However, the sense of comradery reached far beyond that semester. I was selected to serve the college as one of ten Student Ambassadors during all four of my semesters on campus. In exchange for my time, I received multiple scholarships, which helped pay for textbooks, and allowed me to be a part of a team, as well as the community. Since graduating in December, 2018 I accepted a job on a medical surgical and oncology unit at Memorial Hermann Southeast, where I plan to continue growing into the safe and competent nurse ACC prepared me to be.