EMS Immunizations
Immunization Requirements
To enter the Emergency Medical Services program at Alvin Community College the following immunizations/tests are required by State Law for Clinical Facilities.
Vaccination Requirements
All of the Program’s affiliates require that students are sufficiently vaccinated before entering their facilities. Therefore, students must show proof of the following vaccinations as part of the application process:
- Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) – 2 shots in the series or positive antibody titer for all 3 components
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) – Vaccine or medically documented history of disease or a positive antibody titer
- Hepatitis B (Hep B) – 3 shots in the series or a positive antibody titer
- Tuberculosis (TB) – 1 step TB Skin test (negative) or QuantiFERON Gold Blood Test or provide a clear Chest X-Ray
- Tetanus (Tdap) – documentation of a Tdap booster within the past 10 years or documentation of a Td booster within the past 2 years
- Meningitis – for students 22 years old and younger
- Flu shot – Dated September 1st thru March 30th of the year of application. Flu shot is not required for the summer semester.
Hepatitis B Vaccine - Proof of completion of the hepatitis B vaccination series or serologic confirmation of immunity to hepatitis B is required as a condition of full acceptance to the program. This is a series of 3 shots and can take up to 6 months to complete. Documentation of immunity must be provided by the first day of class.
COVID-19 Vaccine - Optional, but highly recommended
Vaccination declinations are NOT allowed.
Emergency Medical Services is part of our Health Career Pathway. Click the box below to see other Health programs that may interest you.