ACC Regents Approve Construction/Equipment Contracts
Alvin Community College regents voted unanimously to extend the contract of President Dr. Christal M. Albrecht during their meeting on July 23.
With the one-year extension, Dr. Albrecht will continue to serve as president through August 31, 2023. She was named the college’s sixth president in 2014.
In other action, regents approved contracts for campus improvements which included a $97,193 contract with Texas Specialty Products which will go toward the replacement of the filter media for the central cooling towers and a $49,812 contract with Spectra Flooring for new carpeting for the ACC Theatre. The renovations are part of the 2018 Maintenance Tax Note project.
The board also reviewed the proposed 2020-21 fiscal year budget. Regents will review the budget again before they vote on a final version in August. They will also vote on the tax rate at a future meeting.
Dr. Albrecht presented information from a survey conducted with faculty and staff members on their preferences for classes in the Fall. Both surveys showed that a majority of students and instructors prefer some form of online or hybrid learning for the upcoming semester.
The survey results factored into a reformed Fall schedule that allowed for more online instruction. With the new schedule 35.5 percent of instruction will be online, 14.5 percent will be done in a hybrid format while 37.3 percent will be done remotely. The percentages do not include courses for Texas Department of Criminal Justice students.
Classes for the Fall begin on August 24.
Regents also:
-approved monthly financial reports
-approved online fee for students who choose to take the Texas Success Initiative (alternative placement is also available to students based on high school scoring, standardized tests and more)
-heard update from AGCM on campus renovation projects including infrastructure, Student Center, the Nolan Ryan Center, the welding shop, radio/TV studio and more
The regent will have their next meeting on August 13 at 6 p.m.