Community Response Checklist -Active Shooter Incident
Secure immediate area:
- Lock and barricade doors
- Turn off lights
- Turn off radios and computer monitors
- Keep occupants calm, quiet and out of sight
- Keep yourself out of sight and take adequate cover/protection i.e. concrete walls,
thick desks, filing cabinets (cover may protect you from bullets)
- Silence cell phones
- Do not open the door for anyone. Law Enforcement will have keys and will not ask you
to open the door!
- Wait for Law Enforcement and follow their instructions.
Contacting Authorities:
- 281-756-3700 ACCPD Emergency
- Be aware that the 911 system will likely be overwhelmed. Program the ACC non-emergency
line 281-756-3700 into your cell phone for emergency use or consider email. Email may be an option
when unable to speak. Email is monitored by police personnel.
What to Report:
- Your specific location/building name and office/room number
- Number of people at your specific location
- Injuries and the number injured, types of injuries
- Assailant(s) location, number of suspects, race/gender, clothing description, physical
features, types of weapons (long gun or hand gun), backpack, shooters identity if
known, separate explosions from gunfire, etc
Police Response:
- Objective is to immediately engage assailant(s)
- Evacuate Victims
- Facilitate follow up medical care, interview, and counseling
- Investigation