Press Releases - News Center

Press Releases

ACC Receives Grant from TWC JET Program

The Texas Workforce Commission issued a $324,139 grant to Alvin Community College through the Jobs and Education for Texans program.

ACC Student FInding Purpose in the Parks

After working many years as a professional rigger on Navy ships, the thought of returning to school to find another profession seemed impossible for Roxanne Walkowiak.

ACC Student Seeks Career on the Airwaves

Ever since he was a teenager, Evan Geiger knew. Whether it was in front of a camera or a microphone, Geiger wanted to talk about sports. Baseball, basketball, football - it didn't matter to the Alvin Community College Communications student.

ACC Instructor Earns Art Fellowship

When it comes to crafting his art, ACC instructor Alex Ordonez said he likes to focus on something that isn't always available to the viewer - perspective. Ordonez is an Alvin Community College Art instructor and was recently awarded an Equity in the Arts Fellowship from the Talley Dunn Gallery in Dallas.