Press Releases - News Center

Press Releases

ACC TDCJ Ceremony

Students from the Alvin Community College and the University of Houston-Clear Lake Texas Department of Criminal Justice programs received their degrees during a Commencement ceremony at the Stringfellow Unit on November 9.

ACC to Host Senior Parent Night

To help parents of high school seniors prepare for their student's transition to college, Alvin Community College will host Senior Parent's Night on Tuesday, November 5, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the ACC Welcome Center.

ACC Creates Center for Public Service Programs

To centralize the public service programs at Alvin Community College, regents recently created the Center for Excellence for Legal Studies and Public Service.

ACC Regents Approve 2024-25 Tax Rate

The Alvin Community College Board of Regents approved the 2024-25 fiscal year tax rate during their meeting on September 26.


This Fall, ACC opened the Student Resource Center on campus which is a one-stop location to offer students support to help keep them on the path to finish their education.