ACC Receives Grant from TNMP for Biotech Program
The Texas New Mexico Power Fund recently awarded Alvin Community College a grant to support its Biotechnology program.
The Texas New Mexico Power Fund recently awarded Alvin Community College a grant to support its Biotechnology program.
ACC Art student Emily Bias' painted ornament was recently selected to be placed on the Texas Capitol Christmas Tree.
ACC hosted the first Gulf Coast Community College Welding Showdown on November 4 which included students from seven colleges including ACC, Houston Community College, Wharton Junior College, College of the Mainland, Western Texas College, Texas State Technical College and Brazosport College.
Alvin Community College held a forum with faculty and staff, officials from local school districts and community leaders on October 30-31 to talk about the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on education and the workforce.
The Alvin Community College Welding Department will hold its first Gulf Coast Community College Welding Showdown on November 4 at the ACC campus.