Press Releases - News Center

Press Releases

ACC to Host BSN Open House

The Alvin Community College Associate Degree Nursing program will host an Open House on October 2 for nursing students and Registered Nurses seeking to advance their degree.

ACC to Host MECA Ballet Folkórico

Alvin Community College will host a performance of the Multicultural Education and Counseling Through the Arts (MECA) Ballet Folkórico on campus on September 21.

ACC Regents Approve Budget

The Alvin Community College Board of Regents approved the 2023-24 fiscal year budget during their meeting on August 17.

ACC Launches Biotechnology Program

As the biotechnology industry continues to grow in the region, Alvin Community College will start offering two courses this Fall to allow students to start their careers in the field.

ACC Student Graduates from Coast Guard Academy

ACC Dual Enrollment graduate Alyssa Burns recently finished her studies at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. She previously earned her Associate's Degree at ACC while also receiving her high school education at home.